Highclere Castle, the renowned setting for the award-winning period drama Downton Abbey, will commemorate this year’s centenary of WWI with a charitable event.
This summer the real Downton Abbey, Highclere Castle, will commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War with a special fundraising event.
Heroes at Highclere, will take place on Sunday 3 August and will welcome acts such as the Military Wives Choir, stars of the hit show Downton Abbey, and stunning aerial displays by the Red Devils and the iconic Spitfire.
Heroes at Highclere will be raising money for the Royal British Legion, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, Combat Stress and Oxfam.
Lady Carnarvon, said: “We hope as a result of this day at Highclere, to make a positive contribution to the lives of those in the war zones today, to help them in their struggles to cope with what they have suffered and to demonstrate our support for them.”
The castle’s ha-ha will be turned into a trench and over 200 re-enactors in period costume will create a ‘living history village’.
For those unable to attend the summer event in person, there will be an opportunity to watch the event online in exchange for a small donation. Details will be available on the Highclere Castle website in the coming weeks.
Highclere Castle is a Victorian castle in the county of Berkshire, which is home to the Carnarvon family and is the set of the award-winning period drama Downton Abbey. Now filming its fifth season the popular series is shown in over 120 countries and has over 10 million viewers in the UK.
Tickets are available on Highclere’s website: highclerecastle.co.uk.