The Royals

A true British institution, the Royal Family is considered to be one of the country’s main attractions. From their illustrious palaces and their intriguing traditions to their deep roots in Britain’s history, the Monarchy continues to be a symbol of the nation.
With HM Queen Elizabeth II celebrating her Diamond Jubilee in 2012 and the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall winning over the hearts of the world, there’s never been a better time to be a Royal
queen, elizabeth, buckingham palace

Fashioning a Reign opens at Buckingham Palace State Rooms

In celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday three special exhibitions, Fashioning a Reign: 90 Years of Style from The Queen’s Wardrobe, will be staged across each of Her Majesty’s official residences during 2016.

The Queen and members of the Royal Family watch the Trooping the Colour from the balcony of Buckingham Palace

Sign our card to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday

As the Queen’s 90th birthday approaches, sign our card to send your best wishes to our nation’s longest-reigning monarch.

Mary i, tudor of month

Tudor of Month: Queen Mary I

With Tudor Times we profile a different figure every month. Here, Melita Thomas explores Mary Tudor, England’s first sovereign queen.

10 things you might not know about Bloody Mary

Discover the turbulent life of England’s first queen in her own right, Queen Mary I, and how she got her fearsome reputation…

Lord James Stewart, Regent Moray

February: Tudor of the Month – Lord James Stewart

With Tudor Times we profile a different figure every month. Here, Melita Thomas explores the Scottish Lord James Stewart, the Regent Moray

Lady Margaret Beaufort , Tudor

January: Tudor of the Month – Lady Margaret Beaufort

Together with Tudor Times we profile a different figure every month. Here, Melita Thomas tackles Lady Margaret Beaufort, the mother of the Tudor dynasty.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge release new photo

Kensington Palace has shared a beautiful new image of the royal couple and their two young children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Princess Charlotte at six months

Celebrating Princess Charlotte at six months old, two new photographs, taken by her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, have been released…

Beautiful Brompton: support suffragette’s cemetery

This week, with the release of the film Suffragette, Brompton Cemetery in west London, the final resting place of Emmeline Pankhurst, makes an urgent request for public support for its restoration.

King Henry VIII and his Tudor family

The Tudor kings and queens of England

The subject of countless books and films, the Tudors are the most iconic royal house whose reign saw the Reformation, defeat of the Spanish Armada and the execution of Anne Boleyn